Day 25

A Prayer Of Gratitude

"Pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ for you. Do not quench the Spirit."

1 Thessalonians 5:17-19

God of Wonders,

You have shown us the beauty of Your handiwork each day through creation and through Your image in others. Our only response is to worship and adore You with hearts of gratitude for Your love and grace. Holy Spirit, strengthen us daily through our communion of prayer with You. Lead us to pray fervently for our church to be the light in the culture of our time. Give us grateful hearts even when we face difficult trials, knowing You have a greater purpose and divine will in the midst of it all. Spirit of the Living God, nudge us to give thanks and praise for all You are doing in our lives. Lord Jesus, teach us to pray for our leaders daily, giving thanks for the way You use them to shepherd our souls in accordance with Your truth in reverent fear of the Lord. Remind us even in our struggles with each other to be grateful for our bond as members of the Body of Christ. May we follow Jesus, our Great Intercessor, as the center of our lives. In His great name we pray. Amen.