Great Commission Videos

Karen's Story

I miss my dad. I knew the time was coming with every phone call… every hug. I knew the sound of his voice was becoming more precious… oh, so very precious… with every world he spoke. While I did realize that he was fading away from me, I had no idea how much I was about to lose… or how much I was going to gain.

One of his favorite songs was “Where No One Stands Alone”. I downloaded the Gaither Trio version of the song and played it for Daddy a while back. While his voice was weak, he sang right along with it. It was one of those moments you wish you could freeze in time. Now I know one of the reasons he loved that song.

Losing someone you love - Glenn, Daddy, my grandparents - makes you realize how much God has given you. I’ve come to know how truly blessed I am - now with material things - but the things money can’t buy.

I’m struggling with the words here - trying to get my point across … so I will just tell you. I realized this morning that the greatest gift my Daddy ever game me… the inheritance that outshines all the money and the property that I may never see… is the gift my Daddy gave me when he led me to Christ. HE was the one who told me about Jesus. HE was the one who got me up on Sunday mornings and dragged my derriere to church. HE was the one who insisted on saying prayers before every meal. HE was the one who sat in the living room, reading his Bible. HE was my example. The gift he gave me… leading me to love Jesus and believe in God’s love… far outweighs anything of material value. No one can ever…EVER… take that away from me.

Thanks, Daddy. You gave me a place where no one stands alone. I love you!

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